Register an Ethical Concern
Do you wish to raise an ethical issue?
Requests to address ethical, regulatory and social issues in HBP research may come from any person. The POint of REgistration (PORE) is HBP’s mechanism to register and identify these issues and keep track of how they are dealt with.
How does PORE work?
PORE registers issues so they can be followed from start to finish:
- PORE requests may be submitted by any person within or outside the project.
- The person may choose be identifiable or remain anonymous.
- By completing and submitting the online form below a request for advice on a specific ethical, regulatory or social issue is registered.
- Issues may be related to, but are not limited to the planning of an experiment or a phase of implementation.
- Each registered issue is received by the Ethics Rapporteur Programme lead and reviewed by the Ethics Coordination team. The team, which includes the Ethics Director, decides how best to deal with the issue.
- The registered issue may be further directed to HBP Ombudsperson or the Ethics Advisory Board (EAB).
Please note appropriate measures are taken to ensure confidentiality in the case of any anonymous request. For further details please refer to the PORE Standard Operating Procedure.
If you are interested in getting more information about the Point of Registration of Ethical Concerns (PORE), please read the .
Manuel Guerrero, Uppsala University