Gender & Diversity in the HBP
We adress issues related to gender, diversity and equal opportunities across the Human Brain Project. Gender mainstreaming and diversity management are cross cutting issues that are relevant to achieving objectives in all work packages. We are responsible for fostering equal opportunities in the HBP community, for example through activities and measures related to leadership culture and career development. And we contribute to the integration of diversity dimensions in Human Brain Project research.

Gender & Diversity
We adress issues related to gender, diversity and equal opportunities across the Human Brain Project. Gender mainstreaming and diversity management are cross cutting issues that are relevant to achieving objectives in all work packages. We are responsible for fostering equal opportunities in the HBP community, for example through activities and measures related to leadership culture and career development. And we contribute to the integration of diversity dimensions in Human Brain Project research.

Register an Ethical Concern
Anyone can requests to address ethical, regulatory and social issues in Human Brain Project research. The POint of REgistration (PORE) is HBP’s mechanism to register and identify these issues and keep track of how they are dealt with.