Ethics & Society Training Resources
The Human Brain Project’s Capacity Development Committee works to provide researchers who are using the EBRAINS research infrastructure or who work within the Human Brain Project with the skills needed to identify and address ethical, legal, and societal issues that arise from brain research. Enabling a responsible research and innovation culture within the Human Brain Project, EBRAINS, and the neuroscience community. And raising awareness of the need to anticipate and deliberate on issues regarding responsibility through engaging with the public. This includes providing tools and methods for foresight as well as critical and philosophical reflection.
We conduct training that cover a wide range of issues in data governance, responsible research and innovation, and neuroethics.
Upcoming Training Opportunities
Brain Research for Good: Addressing dual use of concern & misuse issues
24 February 2022 | 10:00-11:30 CET
This workshop will introduce a novel approach to dual use of concern developed by the Ethics and Society team in the Human Brain Project. This approach goes beyond the traditional civil-military dichotomy understanding of dual use and considers broader societally beneficial and harmful uses including political, security, intelligence and military uses of concern. Participants will gain understanding of dual use of concern and misuse in brain research (including AI, robotics and computing), and learn about the ways to identify and address potential concerns and misuse issues. In order to do that, they will learn about approaches such as Responsible Research and Innovation and the AREA framework of anticipation, reflection, engagement and action.
This virtual workshop will be part of the HBP Student Conference.
Diversity & inclusion
24 February 2022 | 10:00-11:30 CET
Diversity comprises dimensions protected by law as well as scientific, organisational and individual dimensions, such as field of expertise, role within the HBP (and EBRAINS), or cultural background. Team diversity is among others one essential requirement for innovation and success. Join this webinar to learn how to contribute to an inclusive working environment and get insights in different aspects related to interaction, collaboration, and leadership. In this workshop, you will...
- Understand individual diversity traits, the impact on how we perceive others and are perceived by others
- Learn about different working styles, values and norms and their impact on (virtual) collaboration
- Get to know recognising and solving conflicts that arise from diversity, addressing discriminatory communication and actions
This virtual workshop will be part of the HBP Student Conference.
Ethics and RRI Dimensions of Knowledge Transfer & Commercialization
7 April 2022 | 13:00-16:00 CET
This module takes the form of an interactive workshop that explores the ethical and RRI dimensions of knowledge transfer, collaborations with industry partners, and the commercialization of research findings. The module is co-developed with the HBP Innovation Team and will introduce criteria and assessment procedures that shall help participants to identify key ethical and social issues related to the exploitation, commercialisation and international transfer of research findings and innovations from HBP and EBRAINS. The module is designed for researchers, staff and managers from the HBP and EBRAINS, including PhD students and postdocs, as well as partners from industry and other projects and universities. Participants will learn to apply insights from the module to their work and to develop a strategy and plan to respond to identified issues and to address these in the context of future planning and decision making.
Register for this training session
Our Training Modules
- Introduction to EBRAINS data governance
- Data protection in EBRAINS
- Ethics compliance for EBRAINS data
- Introduction to RRI in EBRAINS
- Introduction to public engagement
- Foresight and anticipation of social and ethical issues
- Methods of evaluating EBRAINS innovation
- Understanding dual use of concern & misuse in the infrastructure
- Diversity and inclusion
- Diversity in research
- Researcher awareness
- Introduction to neuroethics in EBRAINS: methods and content
- Neuroethical reflection on consciousness and cognition
- Neuroethical reflection on the virtual brain: models's reliability and validity
- Ethics and RRI Dimensions of Knowledge Transfer & Commercialization
- Neuroethics in HBP and EBRAINS
- Neuroethics, Brain Research and Culture
- Neuroethics and AI Ethics

Social, ethical & reflective work in the HBP
We have compiled a list of all articles, books, and reports related to social, ethical and reflective work we have produced since the beginning of the Human Brain Project: October 2013. We hope it might be useful for those interested in how social science, ethics and philosophy can become driving forces in scientific and technological development. And ensure responsible research and innovation in both theory and practice.

Register an Ethical Concern
Anyone can requests to address ethical, regulatory and social issues in Human Brain Project research. The POint of REgistration (PORE) is HBP’s mechanism to register and identify these issues and keep track of how they are dealt with.