Events of Neuromorphic Computing
Please see this events list in the EBRAINS Neuromorphic Computing Collab for upcoming Neuromorphic computing related events.
Upcoming events lists including the other parts of EBRAINS and the HBP:
- The EBRAINS RI events list on
- The HBP events list on
Selected past Events (only since March 2017 - October 2021. For newer events see here on EBRAINS)
HBP Summit 2021 (15 October 2021)
BrainScaleS and SpiNNaker have been explained/demonstrated in the NMC breakout session on 15 October 2021. See the agenda with links to the talk recordings. The session also featured two users reports.
Neuromorphic Computing at NICE 2021, 16-18 + 19 March 2021 in Heidelberg (Germany) + online
The HBP Silicon Brains partners contributed with talks and tutorials to the 2021 Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements Workshop NICE.
Neuromorphic computing in an EBRAINS Infrastructure Training
On 2+3 November 2020 Neuromorphic computing lectures and hands-on trainings were offered as part of the EBRAINS Infrastructure Training:: Tools and Services offered by EBRAINS Computing Services and Neuromorphic Computing
16 March 2020 (POSTPONED): Silicon Brains at the NEUROTECH event "Future Application Directions for Neuromorphic Computing Technologies" in Heidelberg (Germany)
The EU funded NEUROTECH project organises a half-day event Future Application Directions for Neuromorphic Computing Technologies with a focus on potential upcoming industrial applications. The HBP Silicon Brains partners will be contributing to the event (draft titles):
- Johannes Schemmel: New perspectives for cost-efficient edge AI
- Steve Furber: Building Brains - artificial and biological intelligence
- Michael Schmuker: Event-based gas sensing for neuromorphic olfaction
24-27 February 2020: Neuromorphic Computing at the HBP booth at MWC in Barcelona (Spain)
The three EU flagships Graphene, Quantum and HBP will have a jont booth at MWC in Barcelona. Neuromorphic computing will be part of the HBP presence.
The MWC has been cancelled.
26-28 November 2019: CodeJam#10 in Heidelberg (Germany)
Neuromorphic computing contributed with several talks and tutorial sessions to the CodeJam#10. Some of the talks are available as video recording:
- Johannes Schemmel: Neuromorphic Computing and why it need CodeJams (video)
- Philipp Spilger: Deep Learning on BrainScaleS-2
- Andrew Rowley: Running a cortical micro-column in real-time in SpiNNaker (video)
- Christian Mauch: How modern software techniques can help the scientific process (video)
9-13 September 2019: "From Virtual to Real Robotics using SpiNNaker" workshop / hackathon / codejam in Manchester (UK)
This event aims to bring together researchers interested in Neurorobotics, using both virtual and real devices, with those interested in SpiNNaker, with the aim of fostering links between the communities, and encouraging ongoing collaboration. By the end of the week, we want to establish SpiNNaker as a platform for neurorobotics and have a plan to remove any barriers to its adoption.
The registration fee for the event is 250 GBP (for the catering).
- Agenda (with venue information and information how to register)
- Registration (please see the agenda page first for info how to get an account for the registration & the platform)
26-29 March 2019: talks+tutorial at the 2019 Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements Workshop NICE 2019 (USA)
Talks (26+27 March 2019):
- SpiNNaker applications by Steve Furber (slides and video)
- Turing, or Non-Turing? That is the question by Johannes Schemmel (slides and video)
- Computing with physics: from biological to artificial intelligence and back again by Mihai Petrovici (slides and video)
Tutorial (29 March 2019): SpiNNaker tutorial (video) and BrainScaleS tutorial (video)
December 2018: Invited Talk (China)
Invited talks at the International workshop on future computing (IWOFC): memristive devices and systems, 17 - 18 December 2018 in Shenzhen, China (More info here)
Karlheinz Meier: Computing with physical laws(Karlheinz Meier died 24 October 2018)- Wolfgang Maass: Spike-based in-memory-computing
26-28 November 2018: CodeJam #9 in Palermo (Italy)
The goal of the CodeJam workshops is to catalyze open-source, collaborative software development in computational and systems neuroscience and neuroinformatics, by bringing together researchers, students and engineers to share ideas, present their work, and write code together.
15 October 2018: HBP Open Day in Maastricht (The Netherlands)
11-14 September 2018: Eighth SpiNNaker Workshop in Manchester (UK)
The SpiNNaker workhop takes place 11 - 14 September 2018 in Manchester (UK): see here the agenda of the workshop.
For the registration a free HBP community account is needed. To get an account send an email to: The registration fee is 160 GBP.
4 July 2018: Keynote (The Netherlands)
Karlheinz Meier: Information in the brain - From understanding to non-Turing computing
Keynote at the Second Information Universe Confernce, 3-6 July 2018 in Groningen, The Netherlands
27 June 2018: Lecture (Portugal)
Karlheinz Meier: Computers like brains - From concepts to reality
Lecture at the UPTEC SCHOOL Future of Computing (25 - 29 June 2018)
7 June 2018: Colloquim (Germany)
Karheinz Meier: Jenseits des Moore'schen Gesetzes - Architekturen für Neuromorphe Informationsverarbeitung (in German, detailed announcement)
Collquium at the Institut für mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen at the Hochschule Mannheim
19-23 March 2018: Talk (Germany)
Karlheinz Meier: A non-Turing approach to brain-inspired computation
Talk at the DPG Frühjahrstagung in Würzburg (Germany)
12-14 March 2018: Talk (Poland)
Karlheinz Meier: Neuromorphic computing - From biology to user facilities
Talk at the Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2018 in Warsaw (Poland)
27 Feb - 1 March 2018: Talk (USA)
Talks by SP9 members at the Neuro Inspired Computational Elements Workshop 2018 (at Intel Hillsboro, OR, USA)
19-21 February 2018: Talk (Austria)
Karlheinz Meier: Computers like Brains
Talk at the Austrian HPC Meeting 2018 – AHPC18 in Linz (Austria)
26-30 January 2017: Talk (Austria)
Karlheinz Meier: Computers like brains - Physical model systems of neural circuits
Talk at the 11th HGSFP Winterschool 2018 in Obergurgl (Austria)
19 December 2017: Talk (Germany)
Karlheinz Meier: More than Moore with Neuromorphic Computing Architectures (slides)
Talk as a "GSI-FAIR Colloquium" at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt (Germany)
18 November 2017: Talk (Germany, German language event)
Karlheinz Meier: Computer wie das Gehirn? (with hands-on demo for pupils, students and general public)
Talk and demonstration at a Physik am Samstagmorgen session at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik in Heidelberg (Germany)
15 November 2017: Talk (The Netherlands)
Karlheinz Meier: Neuromorphic Computing - Architectures and Applications
Talk at the 11th DistruptIT event in Zwolle (The Netherlands)
8 November 2017: Plenary talk (USA)
Karlheinz Meier: Continuously Learning Neuromorphic Systems with High Biological Realism
Plenary talk at the IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC 2017) in Washington (DC), USA
27 October 2017: Talk (UK)
Steve Furber: Building Brains (event announcement page at Aberystwyth)
Talk at Aberystwyth University, Wales (UK)
7 October 2017: Talk (UK)
Steve Furber: From ARMs to Brain
Keynote address at the IEEE UK and Ireland Section Inaugural Members Open Day at the University of Westminster, London (UK)
3-6 October 2017: SpiNNaker Workshop (UK)
The seventh SpiNNaker training workshop took place at the Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester, UK, from the 3rd to the 6th of October, 2017:
3-4 October 2017: Lecture (Hungary)
Karlheinz Meier: talk at the GÉANT Project Symposium 2017 in Budapest, Hungary.
29 September - 1 October 2017: Exhibition (Estonia) 
The BrainScaleS neuromorphic computing module was at the exhibition part at the Digital Summit in Tallinn (Estonia) ( large image ) (closed audience exhibition on 29 September, exhibition open for the public on 1 October 2017)
28 September 2017: Keynote (Belarus)
Karlheinz Meier: Brain inspired computing - Where we are and where we will go (abstract)
Keynote at the EaPEC 2017 - 2nd Eastern Partnership E-infrastructure Conference in Minsk, Belarus
14 September 2017: Lecture (Belgium)
Karlheinz Meier: Neuromorphic Computing: Architectures and Applications
Lecture in the Neuromorphic Computing Focus Session at the 47th European Solid-State Device Research Conference, Leuven, Belgium
13-15 September 2017: CodeJam #8 Workshop (Switzerland)
The goal of the CodeJam workshops is to catalyze open-source, collaborative software development in computational and systems neuroscience and neuroinformatics, by bringing together researchers, students and engineers to share ideas, present their work, and write code together. More info and venue info.
11 September 2017: Keynote (Poland)
Karlheinz Meier: Neuromorphic Computing : Architectures and Applications (slides)
Keynote at the 12th InternationalConference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2017) in Lublin, Poland
1 September 2017: Lecture (China)
Karlheinz Meier: An accelerated physical model neuromorphic machine with hybrid learning capabilities
Invited speaker at the 2017 International workshop on future computing(IWOFC): memristive devices and systems (cached programme ) at Peking University, Beijng, China
5 May 2017: Online press conference
Interested journalists and bloggers were invited to join a press-event held on 5 May 2017 (starting at 14:00 CEST) on the occasion of the goundbreaking ceremony for the new European Institute for Neuromorphic computing (EINC) buidling at Heidelberg University (Germany).
After an introduction into the research topic of Neuromorphic Computing by the sub-project leader Karlheinz Meier journalists had the opportunity to ask questions.
The press conference was open to be attended online via a WebBrowser with Adobe Flash. Questtions regarding neuromorphic computing were asked via the Q&A text chat window and answered by the attending researchers.
5 May 2017: Breaking the ground for the EINC
The breaking the ground ("erster Spatenstich") ceremony for the new European Institute for Neuromorphic computing (EINC) buidling at Heidelberg University (Germany) took place on 5 May 2017. The building will become the new home of the Electronic Vision(s) group, which is running the BrainScaleS platform in HBP.
Available: The talk (German language) given by Prof. Meier at the ceremony in the morning.
9 April 2017: Radio interview "The brain makers"
Radio interview of Christof Koch of the Allen Institute for Brain Science, and Karlheinz Meier from HBP on 9 April 2017 in ABC
Interview description and transcript (and download link for the interview audio)
3 April 2017: "Brains and Computers"
The future of neuroscience and understanding the complexity of the human mind. Public lecture by Christof Koch and Karlheinz Meier on 3 April 2017 in Melbourne. Event description page. The full talk is available on YouTube
6-8 March 2017: NICE 2017 presentations
- Karlheinz Meier: Neuromorphic Computing In the European HBP Programmatic Aspects (agenda, slides)
- Karlheinz Meier: The BrainScaleS physical model machine - From commissioning to real world problem solving (slides)
- Steve Furber: SpiNNaker: Large-scale Real-time Neural Simulation (slides)
- Wolfgang Maass: How Can Networks of Spiking Neurons Wire Themselves Up For a Specific Computational Task? (slides)
- Johannes Schemmel: Training and Plasticity Concepts of the BrainScaleS Neuromorphic Systems (abstract)