Ethics & Society Training Resources

We offer online training resources covering a wide range of issues in data governance, responsible research and innovation, and neuroethics.
The Human Brain Project’s Capacity Development Committee works to provide researchers who are using the EBRAINS research infrastructure or who work within the Human Brain Project with the skills needed to identify and address ethical, legal, and societal issues that arise from brain research. It is enabling a responsible research and innovation culture within the Human Brain Project, EBRAINS, and the neuroscience community, raising awareness of the need to anticipate and deliberate on issues regarding responsibility through engaging with the public. It provides tools and methods for foresight, as well as critical and philosophical reflection.
Introduction to Responsible Research and Innovation in EBRAINS
In this introduction to Responsible Research and Innovation in EBRAINS, we use the lens of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) to facilitate reflection on societal and ethical aspects of the EBRAINS research infrastructure. The training gives an overview of the RRI approach by highlighting its history, definitions and the RRI approach within the Human Brain Project. Tools and resources for responsible innovation in EBRAINS are discussed. The training also provides a space for deliberation and critical reflection on work being undertaken in EBRAINS through the use of case studies.
Go to the Introduction to Responsible Research and Innovation Training Module
Human and Animal Data in EBRAINS
Brain research generates and applies big, multidimensional and multifunctional data with different levels of sensitivity. The usability, quality, integrity, availability and security of these data are critical to excellent neuroscience research and innovation. This training will teach you about the requirements for the ethical use of human and animal data in EBRAINS. The presentations provide guidance to EBRAINS data providers and users on what is expected of human and animal data shared through EBRAINS services.
Go to the Human and Animal Data in EBRAINS Training Module
Gender, Diversity and Inclusion
In this module, you will learn about the intersectional approach to enhance gender equality and inclusiveness in the Human Brain Project. Our measures for diversity include dimensions protected by law as well as scientific, organisational and individual dimensions such as field of expertise, role, or cultural background. We also offer a collection of materials for career planning and mentoring of researchers in the early stages of their career.
Go to the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Training Module
Researcher Awareness & Research Integrity
How can we address research integrity issues in big research projects? How do we identify research integrity mechanisms in our interdisciplinary work? This training will teach you about research integrity and researcher awareness and how the Human Brain Project has embraced and implemented the European Commission's principles into its research practice. The training is designed to open a conversation about research integrity issues, developing capacities for researchers, staff and managers to identify and address them.
Got to the Researcher Awareness & Research Integrity Training Module
Dual Use of Concern and Misuse
This training will introduce a novel approach to dual use of concern developed by the Ethics and Society team in the Human Brain Project. This approach goes beyond the traditional civil-military dichotomy understanding of dual use and considers broader societally beneficial and harmful uses including political, security, intelligence and military uses of concern. You will gain understanding of dual use of concern and misuse in brain research (including AI, robotics and computing), and learn about the ways to identify and address potential concerns and misuse issues. In order to do that, you will learn about approaches such as Responsible Research and Innovation and the AREA framework of anticipation, reflection, engagement and action.
Go to the Dual Use of Concern and Misuse Training Module
Ethics and RRI Dimensions of Knowledge Transfer & Commercialisation
This training will introduce practical aspects of knowledge and technology transfer, including identification of the ethics and responsible research and innovation (RRI) dimensions of the exploitation and commercialisation of research findings. The module combines short lectures with interactive exercises. You will learn to develop stakeholder maps and to design a stakeholder engagement exercise, which will help you align the exploitation of your work with the needs, expectations and concerns of key actors, including collaborators, future users and societal stakeholders.
Go to the Knowledge Transfer and Commercialisation Training Module
Neuroethics, Consciousness & AI Ethics
Given the impressive advancement of scientific research on the brain, specifically on consciousness, and the rate of AI development, including its translation in commercial applications, it is extremely urgent to increase our awareness of the arising ethical issues and to develop adequate tools for identifying and assessing them. This training will teach you about various aspects of neuroethics and the ethical issues arising with this rapid development of neuroscientific research and AI.
Go to the Neuroethics, Consciousness & AI Ethics Training Module
Foresight & Public Engagement
How can we design and embed responsible research practices? Foresight, or the practice of looking ahead, is one way to envision potential future developments and changes. Together with public and stakeholder engagement, foresight can support work on potentially controversial issues. This resource explains how foresight and engagement can help influence how research is conducted in accordance with the principles of responsible research and innovation.
Go to the Foresight & Public Engagement Training Module
Science Communication
The training covers the basics on how to navigate the media landscape and the basics of popular science writing. We cover principles for good science communication, and talk about transparency, mediatisation and hype. You will learn how to turn your narrative around to suit different audiences and how to pick a good headline. And in case you don’t want to do the writing yourself, we provide some basic media training and help you prepare for an interview, answer difficult questions, avoid common traps, and a to-do list in case of negative publicity. We will talk about impact, transparency, plain language, inclusion and accessibility.
Go to the Science Communication Training Module

George Ogoh
Capacity Building
Anyone can request to address ethical, regulatory and social issues raised by HBP research.
Register an Ethical ConcernMore Ethics & RRI
The Human Brain Project will have an impact on both science and society.
We promote RRI practices within the HBP, and help to shape the direction of its research in ethically sound ways that serve the public interest.