Join us for the HBP Open Day in Maastricht!

    24 September 2018

    Press Release 25 September 2018

    Registrations are open for the 2018 Human Brain Project Open Day, which will be held this year in Maastricht, the Netherlands. The Open Day is the biggest annual outreach event of the HBP, and presents work from the entire project to the interested public. The event will be held at MEEC Convention Center Maastricht on October 15, 2018. You can find out more and register for the event here.

    The MEEC Maastricht

    The programme features exciting talks from HBP scientists and keynote lectures from special guests, as well as a dedicated exhibition. The event is free to attend and will give visitors an overview on how the HBP as a European Commission funded Flagship project works to realize synergies  between neuroscience, brain medicine and technology developments like future computing, robotics and AI.

    Visitors can learn about the latest advances and scientific insights at the interactive Science Market. There, HBP members will present their work in the form of demos, allowing for example to explore the brain in virtual and augmented reality or to interact with smart robots.

    “We have prepared an exciting programme for everyone interested in how modern computing technologies enhance our understanding of the human brain and how this knowledge can be applied to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic tools for brain disorders”, said Rainer Goebel, founding director of the Maastricht Brain Imaging Centre (M-BIC), and host of the Open Day.

    Students can find out about the extensive HBP Education programme, and visitors from scientific and industrial communities can explore collaboration opportunities with experts from the Project.

    The event is organized in conjunction with the HBP Summit, the annual full assembly of the HBP Consortium, which unites around 500 scientists from 120 universities, teaching hospitals and research centres across Europe.

    “The Open Day is always a highlight for us”, said HBP’s Scientific Director Katrin Amunts. “We have the goal to create positive impact for societal issues, from the fight against brain diseases, to progress in highly competitive technology fields like future computing and AI. As such it is really important for us to engage and remain in dialogue about this work with the public. We are delighted to come to Maastricht this year and look forward to an exciting day.”

    Further Info:

    Download the Open Day flyer  including the programme!

    Impressions from the previous HBP Open Day 2017 in Glasgow 

    Prof. Rainer Goebel is an expert in neuroimaging and full professor for Cognitive Neuroscience at Maastricht University, Netherlands. He is founding director of the Maastricht Brain Imaging Centre (M-BIC) and the driving force of the recently established ultra-high field imaging center housing 3, 7 and 9.4 Tesla human MRI scanners. In the Human Brain Project he is contributing to the research area SP2 (Human Brain Organization) and the HBP Human Brain Atlas. He also heads the Co-Design Project 4 (CDP4) on visuo-motor integration.

    Prof. Katrin Amunts is leading the research area Human Brain Organization and is the elected Scientific Research Director of HBP. She and her team develop the multi-level and multi-scale HBP brain atlas together with experts from neuroinformatics, and use methods of high-performance computing to generate ultra-high resolution human brain models. She is the director of the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1) at Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany and director of the C. and O. Vogt Institute of Brain Research at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf. (Photo ©FZJ/Sascha Kreklau)