HBP Presents Keynote at 1st Neuroscience Twitter Conference

    27 April 2017

    The HBP was proud to be invited as one of four Keynote tweeters at the first ever Brain Research Twitter Conference on April 20, under the hashtag #braintc. The theme was ‘Neuroscience making an impact’, aiming to highlight neuroscience research that can make an impact on our core understanding of the brain. The conference also presented 30 abstract presentations, and the open nature of the conference allowed anyone to participate in discussions and ask questions of the presenters. The program and abstracts can be seen here.

    The HBP Keynote was on the topic of ‘Community-driven integrated neuroscience at scale’, describing how the HBP is helping to build a digital research infrastructure for researchers, providing tools to advance disease diagnosis, enabling teams to work together, curating and aligning data, building scaffold models with high-performance computing, simulating bodies and environments with virtual robotics, and providing simulation environments through neuromorphic computing systems. The HBP’s Keynote tweets can be seen below, and a Storify of the whole conference is now available.

    Besides @HumanBrainProj, other Keynote tweeters were the prominent neuroscience blogger Neuroskeptic (@Neuro_Skeptic), Prof. Uta Frith (@utafrith) of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at UCL, London, and Riita Hari (@aivoAALTO), leader of the Brain Research Unit at Aalto University, Finland. The conference was organised by Aalto Brain Center at Aalto University.