CAJAL course on whole brain imaging

    20 May 2019

    The CAJAL course in Whole Brain Imaging is an intensive three-week course that will carry participants through the theory and practice of advanced methods for investigating brain structure-function relationships at the organ level. 

    The CAJAL course in Whole Brain Imaging is an intensive three-week course that will carry participants through the theory and practice of advanced methods for investigating brain structure-function relationships at the organ level. The course will balance lectures from world-acknowledged neuroimaging experts to experimental demonstrations and hands-on laboratory work in small groups. Participants will be introduced to a wide spectrum of techniques, from microscopic post-mortem brain cyto- and myelo-architectony to macroscopic in vivo 3D-imaging using magnetic resonance, functional ultrasound, near-infrared spectroscopy, electromagnetic waves, and gamma-ray emission tomography. Issues associated with whole brain neuroimaging multimodality and data-sharing will also be addressed. During the course, each participant will be given the opportunity to acquire and analyze whole-brain neuroimaging data in both preclinical and clinical environments. 

    Date and Location

    8-28 September 2019, Bordeaux Neurocampus, France

    Course director

    Katrin Amunts, Jülich Research Centre, Germany


    Bernard Mazoyer, CNRS, Neurodegeneratives Diseases Institute, University of Bordeaux, France

    Sylvain Miraux, CNRS - RMSB, UMR 5536, University of Bordeaux, France

    extended registration deadline: 3 June 2019

    Find all further info at: