5th Annual Human Brain Project Summit, 17-20 October
27 June 2017
The Human Brain Project (HBP) Summit is a unique forum for the HBP Consortium and its Partnering Projects to come together to present and learn about the latest scientific results and other project achievements, as well as to develop new ideas, plan next steps and network. The event consists of a 3-day interactive scientific programme, comprising plenary sessions, external keynote presentations, hackathons, demos, scientific highlight sessions and cross-disciplinary workshops.
The 5th Annual HBP Summit will take place in Glasgow, Scotland, from Tuesday 17th to 20th October. It will be hosted by University of Glasgow, and will take place at the Scottish Events Campus (SEC),which is on the waterfront near the city centre.
Tuesday the 17th is the Summit Open Day, during which members of the public can learn about the project. The other days are attended solely by Human Brain Project participants. However, third parties can reach the participants via a range of sponsorship packages. Please click this link to view the sponsorship prospectus.
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