- Announcement
Press talk with leaders of the Human Brain Project in Marseille
16 March 2023
The final Human Brain Project Summit 2023 will take place in Marseille, France, on March 28-31, 2023. Media representatives are invited to join.
As the ten-year European Flagship Human Brain Project (HBP) approaches its conclusion in September 2023, the final HBP Summit will highlight the scientific achievements of the project at the interface of neuroscience and technology and the legacy that it will leave for the brain research community.
Latest European advances in the fields of neuroscience and applications in medicine and brain-derived technologies will be presented. Researchers from within the HBP will show its abundant scientific achievements and the highly integrative, technology- and data-driven brain research that has been established. The summit will include talks, panel discussions and poster sessions.
Press Talk
The summit will include a press talk with a panel of leading HBP researchers. The panelists will discuss major scientific and technological advances and answer journalists’ questions. The press talk will be followed by a press reception.
The Panelists are:
Katrin Amunts, Forschungszentrum Juelich
Scientific Research Director the Human Brain Project
Viktor Jirsa, Aix-Marseille University, Local summit host
Leader of HBP Workpackage “The human multiscale brain connectome and its variability – from synapses to large-scale networks and function”
Mavi Sanchez-Vives, IDIBAPS Barcelona
Leader of HBP Workpackage “Networks underlying brain cognition and consciousness”
Rainer Goebel, Maastricht University
Leader of HBP Workpackage “Adaptive networks for cognitive architectures: from advanced learning to neurorobotics and neuromorphic applications”
Mihai Petrovici, University of Bern
NeuroTMA Group
Host: Jennifer Baker
53, Boulevard Charles Livon
13007 Marseille, France
The press talk is scheduled for March 29, 4-5 pm
Media accreditation
Accredited journalists are welcome to participate in the Human Brain Project Summit 2023 in Marseille. To apply for accreditation and register for the press talk, please contact press@humanbrainproject.eu. Registration fees do not apply for media representatives.