Neuroscience data integration through use of digital brain atlases
Virtual Event. The course is open for registration.
This course provides an introduction to currently available reference atlases for mouse, rat, and human brain. It will demonstrate how the 3D brain templates for the reference atlases are acquired, how they are used as a basis for delineating the structures of the brain, how they can be enriched by other data modalities, and how they can be used as a basis for assigning location (coordinate based or semantic) to a wide range of structural and functional data collected from the brain. The course will also outline examples of data system employed to organize neuroscience data collections in the context of reference atlases as well as analytical workflows applied to the data.
Read more about how digital brain atlases are used in the EBRAINS infrastructure at
Maximum number of participants is 40.
PhD students at University of Oslo (Norway) will be prioritized, but the course is open for external students as well.
External applicants not admitted to a PhD programme at UiO, who wish exam and study credits (2 credit points), can apply for a right to study using this link
Examination will be in the form of a home assignment, to be completed within two days after the course.