Ninth SpiNNaker Workshop
From Virtual to Real Robotics using SpiNNaker
9-13 September 2019 | Manchester, United Kingdom
The event aims to bring together researchers interested in Neurorobotics, using both virtual and real devices, with those interested in SpiNNaker, with the aim of fostering links between the communities, and encouraging ongoing collaboration.
By the end of the week, we want to establish SpiNNaker as a platform for neurorobotics and have a plan to remove any barriers to its adoption.
The workshop consists mainly of morning lecture sessions, which will include talks from a number of guest speakers, and afternoon “hackathon” sessions, where attendees can get together and work on shared projects and tasks.
Attendees should have some experience of Python and PyNN (lecture notes from previous workshops are available for review), and a background in C is also recommended.
If attendees wish to make progress in integrating their robots with SpiNNaker in advance of the workshop, we will be happy to assist.
The number of participants is limited to 30 people. The registration fee is 250 GBP.
Meeting Agenda (on a different server)
- If you already have an HBP account, you can directly access registration via the button below.
Please use your HBP credentials to log in.
- If you do not have an account yet, you will need to create a (free) HBP Community account, which also allows you access to the infrastructure demonstrated during the event. Please follow one of the options below to receive an invitation:
- If you are not an HBP member, request an invitation by sending a short email to
- If you are an HBP member, please contact your SP manager.
- You can also be invited by a current HBP account holder.
- After sending your request, you will receive an invitation to join the HBP Collaboratory and create an account. Use your log-in details to access the registration after clicking the button below.
If you experience any problems with the registration process, please contact