Modern trends in cognitive architectures and systems:
From theory to implementation in natural and artificial agents
Media Section
This section contains video material and photos from our workshop. Please note that we only upload pictures, lectures and student talks that we have permission to share publicly.
Recorded Lectures
Building a biologically inspired large-scale architecture of visiuo-motor integration predicting human saliency performance
Speaker: Rainer Goebel, University of Maastricht, Netherlands
3rd HBP Curriculum Workshop Series
Modern trends in cognitive architecture and systems:
From theory to implementation in natural and artificial systems
11-13 December 2019, University of Glasgow, UK
Video recorded by the HBP Education Programme Office
A neurocognitive perspective on human-robot interaction
Speaker: Ruud Hortensius, University of Glasgow, UK
3rd HBP Curriculum Workshop Series
Modern trends in cognitive architecture and systems:
From theory to implementation in natural and artificial systems
11-13 December 2019, University of Glasgow, UK
Video recorded by the HBP Education Programme Office
Designing social signals for artificial agents using psychological science
Speaker: Rachel E. Jack, University of Glasgow, UK
3rd HBP Curriculum Workshop Series
Modern trends in cognitive architecture and systems:
From theory to implementation in natural and artificial systems
11-13 December 2019, University of Glasgow, UK
Video recorded by the HBP Education Programme Office
Encoding models for brain imaging
Speaker: Bertrand Thirion, Inria Paris, France
3rd HBP Curriculum Workshop Series
Modern trends in cognitive architecture and systems:
From theory to implementation in natural and artificial systems
11-13 December 2019, University of Glasgow, UK
Video recorded by the HBP Education Programme Office
Modelling the emergence of social behaviour
Stuart Wilson, University of Sheffield, UK
3rd HBP Curriculum Workshop Series
Modern trends in cognitive architecture and systems:
From theory to implementation in natural and artificial systems
11-13 December 2019, University of Glasgow, UK
Video recorded by the HBP Education Programme Office