3rd HBP Curriculum Workshop

ICT For Non-Specialists/Spiking Neural Networks



Media Section

This section contains video material and photos from our workshop. Please note that we only upload pictures, lectures and student talks that we have permission to share publicly.


Icon Scientific programme (759.2 KB)




Recorded Lectures


Speaker abstract collection



Neuronal computing for real-time systems
Speaker: Jörg Conradt, KTH Stockholm, Sweden


3rd HBP Curriculum Workshop Series
Spiking Neural Networks:
Applications to computing, algorithmics, and robotics

18 September 2019
Technical University of Munich, Germany


Video recorded by the HBP Education Programme Office

Lessons from the brain for enhancing computing and
learning capabilities of spiking neural networks

Speaker: Wolfgang Maass, Technical University of Graz, Austria


3rd HBP Curriculum Workshop Series
Spiking Neural Networks:
Applications to computing, algorithmics, and robotics

18 September 2019
Technical University of Munich, Germany


Video recorded by the HBP Education Programme Office

