Technology Readiness Level (TRL) guide
Although scientific and technological progress is endless, we need to acknowledge that S&T developments, to be impactful, must achieve at some time a ´final´ form that can be offered to the users markets.
The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) is an indicator of the maturity of these developments. It indicates how close is a technology to its final form, i.e., it shows to what extent the technology is fully operational and can be introduced into the commercial and non-commercial markets.
TRLs are based on a scale from 1 to 9, being 9 the most mature technology.
The HBP Innovation Team has developed a very innovative and practical TRL assessment guide to support HBP partners in the homogeneous evaluation of the TRL of their developing results. This tool is unique since not only permits evaluating technology maturity of hardware but also offers the possibility of evaluating the maturity of software developments, services, datasets, and models.
Download the TRL guide
The TRL assessment guide is available for download here.