First Specific Grant Agreement (SGA1) Deliverables
(1 Apr 2016 - 31 Mar 2018)


SP1 Mouse Brain Organisation

D1.5.1 (D5.1, D26 - SGA1 M12) SP1 Mouse Brain Organisation - Results for SGA1 Period 1 (Report) 3.2 MB

D1.5.2 (D5.2, D34 - SGA1 M24) SP1 Mouse Brain Organisation - Results for SGA1 Period 2 (Report) 2.2 MB

D1.5.3 (D5.3, D36 - SGA1 M24) Detailed Plan of Data Usage and the Impact of Generated Data on Models (Report) 1.3 MB

D1.5.4 (D5.4 D54  - SGA1 M24) CDP1 Components Report for SGA1 M13-M24 (Report) 1.1 MB


SP2 Human Brain Organisation

D2.7.1 (D12.1, D19 - SGA1 M12) SP2 Human Brain Organisation - Results for SGA1 Period 1 (Report) 1.3 MB

D2.7.2 (D12.2, D43 - SGA1 M24) SP2 Human Brain Organisation - Results for SGA1 Period 2 (Report) 940.6 KB

D2.7.3 (D12.3 D55 - SGA1 M24) CDP3 Components Report for SGA1 M13-M24 (Report) 505.4 KB

D2.7.4 (D12.4 D56 - SGA1 M24) CDP4 Components Report for SGA1 M13-M24 (Report) 415.3 KB

D2.7.5 (D12.5 D57 - SGA1 M24) CDP6 Components Report for SGA1 M13-M24 (Report) 293.3 KB


SP3 Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience

D3.5.1 (D17.1, D29 - SGA1 M12) SP3 Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience - Results for SGA1 Period 1 (Report) 881.5 KB

D3.5.2 (17.2, D44 - SGA1 M24) SP3 Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience - Results for SGA1 Period 2 (Report) 2.6 MB


SP4 Theoretical Neuroscience

D4.6.1 (D24.1, D22 - SGA1 M12) WP4.6 EITN - Activity report SGA1 Period 1 (Report) 437.6 KB

D4.6.2 (D24.2, D45 - SGA1 M24) WP4.6 EITN - Activity report SGA1 Period 2 (Report) 1.7 MB

D4.7.1 (D25.1, D31 - SGA1 M12) SP4 Theoretical Neuroscience - Activity Report SGA1 Period 1 (Report) 562.5 KB

D4.7.2 (D25.2, D33 - SGA1 M24) SP4 Theoretical Neuroscience - Activity Report SGA1 Period 2 (Report) 7.7 MB 7.7 MB

D4.7.3 (D25.3 D58 - SGA1 M24) CDP5 Components Report for SGA1 M13-M24 (Report) 2.7 MB


SP5 Neuroinformatics Platform

D5.6.1 (D31.1, D10 - SGA1 M6) Revised SP5 Work Plan for SGA1 (DPIT) (Report) 698.7 KB

D5.6.2 (D31.2, D13 - SGA1 M6) HBP Platform Architecture (DPIT) (Report) 4.2 MB

D11.3.1 (D63.1, D15 - SGA1 M6) HBP Collaboratory Architecture (Report) 3.2 MB  (reassigned from SP11 to SP5)

D5.8.1 (D73.1, D50 - SGA1 M12) Strategy and Architecture for HBP data viewers (Report) 547.6 KB

D5.8.2 (D31.3, D18 - SGA M12) SP5 Neuroinformatics Platform - Results for SGA1 Period 1 (Demonstrator) 2.8 MB

D5.8.3 (D31.4, D40 - SGA M24) SP5 Neuroinformatics Platform - Results for SGA1 Period 2 (Report) 1.1 MB


SP6 Brain Simulation Platform

D6.5.1 (D36.1, D21 - SGA1 M12) SP6 Brain Simulation Platform - Results for SGA1 Period 1 (Demonstrator) 3.1 MB

D6.5.2 (D36.2, D41 - SGA1 M24) SP6 Brain Simulation Platform - Results for SGA1 Period 2 (Demonstrator) 2.0 MB

D6.5.3 (D36.2, D59 - SGA1 M24) CDP2 Components Report for SGA1 M13-M24 (Report) 305.2 KB


SP7 High Performance Analytics and Computing Platform

D7.6.1 (D42.1, D11 - SGA1 M6) High Performance Analytics and Computing Platform Specification Update (Report) 2.0 MB

D7.6.2 (D42.2, D24 - SGA1 M12) SP7 High Performance Analytics and Computing Platform - Results for SGA1 Period 1 (Demonstrator) 1.0 MB

D7.6.3 (D42.3, D46 - SGA1 M24) SP7 High Performance Analytics and Computing Platform - Results for SGA1 Period 2 (Demonstrator) 1.5 MB


SP8 Medical Informatics Platform

D8.6.1 (D48.1, D14 - SGA1 M6) SP8 Medical Informatics Platform - Architecture and Deployment Plan (Report) 4.1 MB

D8.6.2 (D48.2, D23 - SGA1 M12) SP8 Medical Informatics Platform - Results for SGA1 Period 1 (Demonstrator) 4.6 MB

D8.6.3 (D48.3, D48 - SGA1 M24) SP8 Medical Informatics Platform - Results for SGA1 Period 2 (Demonstrator) 2.3 MB

D8.6.4 (D48.3, D60 - SGA1 M21) SP8 Medical Informatics Platform - Demo (Demonstrator) 3.0 MB


SP9 Neuromorphic Computing Platform

D9.5.1 (D53.1, D20 - SGA1 M12) SP9 Neuromorphic Computing Platform - Results for SGA1 Period 1 (Report) 3.4 MB

D9.5.2 (D53.2, D47 - SGA1 M24) SP9 Neuromorphic Computing Platform - Results for SGA1 Period 2 (Report). 2.3 MB


SP10 Neurorobotics Platform

D10.7.1 (D60.1, D9 - SGA1 M6) Release Plan for the Neurorobotics Platform for SGA1 and Project Implementation Proposal (Report) 1.4 MB

D10.7.2 (D60.2, D25 - SGA1 M12) SP10 Neurorobotics Platform - Results for SGA1 Period 1 (Demonstrator) 5.7 MB

D10.7.3 (D60.3, D35 - SGA1 M24) SP10 Neurorobotics Platform - Results for SGA1 Period 2 (Demonstrator) 1.3 MB


SP11 Central Services

D11.2.1 (D62.1, D12 - SGA1 M6) Central Services IT/Web Tools Specifications (Report) 1.1 MB

D11.3.3 (D62.2, D17 - SGA1 M10) HBP Software Engineering and Quality Assurance Approach (Report) 3.0 MB

D11.5.1 (D65.1, D37 - SGA1 M24) Education Programme Report (Report) 1.0 MB


SP12 Ethics and Society

D12.5.1 (D70.1, D27 - SGA1 M12) Report on Ethics and Society Activities (Report) 845.8 KB

D12.5.2 (D70.2, D28 - SGA1 M12) First Opinions Report (Report) 361.3 KB

D12.5.3 (D70.3, D38 - SGA1 M24) Report on Ethics and Society Activities (Report) 532.0 KB

D12.5.4 (D70.4, D39 - SGA1 M24) Second Opinions Report (Report) 1.2 MB