Work Package 4


EBRAINS Data Services

What we do


Finding, accessing, interpreting, and making use of high-quality neuroscience data beyond the level of the traditional journal publication will be key for the future of neuroscience and modelling of the brain.

The EBRAINS Data Service Work package responds to that need and supports the activities of the broader neuroscience community by providing services to organise, manage, visualise, analyse, interpret and share multi-level and multi-modal research data and computational models, in accordance to FAIR data standards.

How we are organised


EBRAINS Data Services Work Package (WP4) is structured around three Service Categories (SCs) it offers to its community:

  • EBRAINS SC1: Data and Knowledge services: EBRAINS FAIR data services - neuroscience data publishing

  • EBRAINS SC2: Atlases services: navigate the brain in 3D - find, contribute, and analyse brain data, based on location

  • EBRAINS SC5: Medical Data Analytics services: Medical Informatics platform and the Human intracerebral EEG database and analysis service

WP4 includes in addition:

  • Support for users of all EBRAINS services (SC1–6) through a High-Level Support Team (HLST) and through a Voucher programme.

  • Measures for Inclusive EBRAINS community building (eg. EBRAINS Community Space)

  • The European Institute for Theoretical Neuroscience (EITN): a science-oriented structure aimed to serve as an incubator of ideas in the Project, creating interactions within the HBP, as well as between the HBP and the external community.



T4.1 EBRAINS Knowledge Graph (SC1)
T4.2 EBRAINS Knowledge Graph search UI with basic data exploration functionality (SC1)
T4.3 KnowledgeSpace (SC1)
T4.4 Curation services, ontology engineering, and services for access to data in protected storage (SC1)
T4.5 Compliance management, data protection, data governance, data management (SC1)     
T4.6 Anatomical reference brain atlases (SC2)
T4.7 Brain atlas registration and maintenance tools (SC2)     
T4.8 Interactive exploration of and programmatic access to brain atlases (SC2)
T4.9 Brain atlas analysis tools (SC2)     
T4.10 Human intracerebral EEG data curation and management (SC5)
T4.11 Human intracerebral EEG data and analytical tools integration (SC5)
T4.12 Human intracerebral EEG data services: integration with other EBRAINS services (SC5)
T4.13 High-Level Support Team (HLST): User support, documentation, and training materials
T4.14 Inclusive community building
T4.15 Science incubation (EITN)
T4.16 WP4 Coordination and Management, including supervision of SC1, SC2 and SC5
T4.17 Long-tail infrastructure support
T4.18 EBRAINS web portal
T4.19 Medical Informatics Platform maintenance and upgrade
T4.20 EBRAINS coordination
T4.21 CEoI Industry Engagement


HIP consortium charter (SC5)

The HIP consortium charter was approved by SC5 Leadership, and submitted for final approval to the WP4 Leadership on 17 May 2021, approved on 28 May 2021

KnowledgeSpace software release to contain datasets from the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph, US BRAIN Initiative and a selection of community-based neuroscience repositories, and improved definitions for brain research concepts in the KnowledgeSpace encyclopaedia to strengthen connections between ontology-based brain research concepts and their supporting data, models and literature

Fixed issues with SPARC dataset ingestion in KS

Users-validated tutorials explaining how to process BIDS-iEEG data (SC5)

Tutorials and user-documentation for HIP have been drafted for the main use cases encoutered in SEEG processing.



Work Package Leader: Jan Bjaalie

Work Package Manager: Martha Elisabeth Brigg

Webpage editor: Martha Elisabeth Brigg