Project Governance at a glance
Find a detailed description of the Governance in the Framework Partnership Agreement
Overview of the HBP governance structure
Governing Bodies
Stakeholder Board (SB)
The SB is the Ultimate Decision-Making Body, and is composed of one representative for each country participating in the HBP. The SB approves the HBP’s work plan and budget proposals. It supervises the SB committees and appoints, suspends or dismisses members of the Directorate, the Science and Infrastructure Board and the Advisory Boards.
Directorate (DIR)
The DIR is the Executive Governance Body of the HBP, leading Core Project management and, subject to SB approval, proposing the strategy for the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure. The Directorate is composed of the Director General (DG), the Executive Director (ED), the Scientific Research Director (SRD), the Infrastructure Development Director (IDD), the Software Development Director (SDD), the Innovation Director (InD) and the Ethics Director (EthD).
Science and Infrastructure Board (SIB)
The SIB provides the scientific leadership of the HBP, drives forward the HBP's scientific excellence, ensures the implementation of its research plan, and develops the Project's long-term scientific roadmap. In close partnership with EBRAINS AISBL, the SIB sets out to achieve the development and implementation of the HBP’s collaborative and sustainable EBRAINS Research Infrastructure. The SIB Panel, a subgroup of the SIB, directs the implementation of the Science and Infrastructure work plan, fulfilling the necessary executive functions to that end.
Advisory Boards & Ombudsperson
Science and Infrastructure Advisory Board (SIAB)
The SIAB advises the HBP on all issues of scientific, technical and clinical importance to the aim and objectives of the HBP. This includes the HBP’s strategy and planning activities, advice on the development of the research infrastructure EBRAINS, user engagement and embedding HBP in the international neuroscience landscape.
Ethics Advisory Board (EAB)
The EAB is an independent body that advises the HBP Science and Infrastructure Board (SIB) and Directorate (DIR) on specific ethical, regulatory, social and philosophical issues raised by research that is being undertaken or planned under the auspices of the Human Brain Project.
The Ombudsperson is an independent role that serves as the recipient of confidential information about the HBP that may require further investigation and action