Workshops 2017



Icon Curriculum Info Brochure (3.3 MB)

The HBP Curriculum on Interdisciplinary Brain Science offered web-based distance learning courses and face-to-face workshops that provided basic lessons in the HBP core fields neuroscience, medicine, cognitive systems and ICT as well as the complementary subjects of ethics and intellectual property rights.

The courses were open to the whole scientific community, regardless of affiliation with the HBP, but especially targeted the following groups:
• Master‘s students already carrying out research
• PhD students
• Researchers who have received their doctoral degree within the past three years at the time of their application for training

Video lectures are publicly available.





The courses address early career researchers who want to gain knowledge outside their area of specialisation or who are interested in learning about ethical challenges or translation and exploitation of research.


Participants have the possibility of taking an exam related to the online content of the courses. Upon successful completion, ECTS credits can be awarded. The credits are awarded by the Medical University of Innsbruck / Austria (MUI) if the following conditions are fulfilled:

• Full attendance of one qualified Education event
• Registration for HBP Online Course on Interdisciplinay Brain Science via e-mail to curriculum.edu@humanbrainproject.eu, stating which online course(s) you would like to attend
• Attendance of the online course(s)
• Successful completion of exam(s)

In total, it is possible to achieve a maximum of 12 ECTS credits for all 6 courses.

The credits for the 6 courses are distributed as follows:

Brain medicine for non-specialists 2.5 ECTS
Neurobiology for non-specialists*

Basic: 1 ECTS
Advanced: 1 ECTS

ICT for non-specialists 1.5 ECTS
Cognitive systems for non-specialists 2 ECTS
Research, ethics and societal impact 1.5 ECTS
Intellectual property rights, translation and exploitation of research 2.5 ECTS

* It is possible to only take the Basic exam, or both Basics and Advanced, but not only the Advanced exam.

Examination fee: 30 € (per exam)


Please note that the Education Programme Office has changed the format of the HBP Curriculum and does no longer offer Curriculum Workshops. Instead, an online course can be combined with participation in an EBRAINS Workshops event. 

Past Curriculum Workshops resources can be accessed in our workshops archive.